We catched Dylan while interviewing us in Berlin.
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In our last episode for this year, we have the pleasure of featuring Dylan Reibling, a documentary filmmaker with a passion for social and political issues. Dylan has gained recognition for his work on the underground networks known as freifunk, which provide free and open wireless internet access to communities around the world. Join us as we discuss the importance of freifunk networks and hear about Dylan’s experiences as a filmmaker. Don’t miss this exciting and informative episode! Tune in now to hear our conversation with Dylan Reibling.
Our podcast is recorded at the Raumfahrtagentur Berlin, a space for creativity and collaboration in the heart of the city. We are always open to suggestions for new topics and guests, so if you have any ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We welcome anyone who is interested in joining us at the Raumfahrtagentur to record an episode and share their insights and experiences with our audience. Thank you for listening and we look forward to bringing you more exciting episodes in the future!