With this episode the Software Freedom Podcast opens the door to the fascinating and sometimes complex world of mesh networking. And who better than Elektra Wagenrad can take us on this journey? Elektra is one of the original developers of the B.A.T.M.A.N. protocol and of the Mesh Potato project.
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This time Elektra was invited to an interview on the Software Freedom Podcast. You can find the source at https://fsfe.org/news/podcast/episode-14.en.html.
These are the original notes written by the SFP team: In our 14th Software Freedom Podcast episode Matthias Kirschner talks with our guest, Elektra Wagenrad, about the origins of Freifunk, the B.A.T.M.A.N. protocol, and the Mesh Potato project. If you are new to the world of mesh networking this episodes is an easy entrance to it. Elektra not only explains the theory behind the protocols but also dives deeper into the philosophical idea of it. In this context, Matthias and Elektra also touch on the difficult topic of limiting the use of Free Software, using the example of the former ban on the use of the B.A.T.M.A.N. protocol for military activities. Last but not least they also discuss the EU’s Radio Equipment Directive and the FSFE’s Router Freedom activity.
With this episode, the Software Freedom Podcast produced an easy to follow and easy to understand podcast for everybody who is interested in mesh networking. Join us on our journey through this fascinating technical and philosophical world and listen to Elektra and Matthias as they tell the story with its ups and downs.